Offshore projects in the Baltic Sea

Offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea


Photo: RWE AG | Paul Langrock
With the Arkona project, 35 kilometers northeast of the island of Rügen, RWE has set up another offshore wind farm in German waters and is the first company to operate its own offshore wind farms in both, the German North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The wind farm has the capacity to supply up to 400,000 households with energy. Arkona could be connected to the grid on time and at lower costs than expected. It only took a year from the first pile-driving to the first feed-in of electricity. RWE, Equinor and the transmission system operator 50Hertz use the platform together (RWE AG, 2020).

Facts at a glance:

Location: Baltic Sea, 35 km northeast of the island of Rügen
Size: approx. 39 km²
Wind turbines: 60 Siemens SWP 6.0 MW-154 PB HWRT
Foundations: 60 monopile & transition pieces
Water depth: 23-37 m
Total output: 385 MW
Completion: 2019

EnBW Baltic 1 - the first German commercial offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea

EnBW Baltic I
Photo: EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG

Approximately 16 km north of the Darss/Zingst peninsular on a site of around 7 km² a total of 21 wind energy plants and a substation will be built in 2010. The wind energy plant (hub height 67 metres, rotor blade diameter 93 metres) will be anchored with monopiles in sea depths of 16-19 metres. These 35 metre long and 500 ton heavy steel pipes are sunk 25 m deep into the seabed and connected by a 28 m transition piece to the steel tower of the wind energy converter. Scour protection additionally secures the turbine against currents and tides. All wind energy converters are connected together annularly through the farm’s internal network so that whole farm segments do not malfunction during possible disruption. The electricity generated is stepped up in the substation from 33 kV to the transmission voltage of 150 kV and is linked up to the overland network by 50Hertz Offshore GmbH.

After the installation of the foundations in early 2010, the complete wind farm will be built and connected to the network. With a total output of 48.3 MW, around 176 GWh of energy can be generated annually - and over a period of at least 20 years. This can supply around 50,000 households per year.

The facts at a glance:

  • Location: Baltic Sea, 16 km north of the Fischland-Darss-Zingst peninsular
  • Size: approx. 7 km²
  • Water depth: 16-19 m
  • Anchorage: monopiles
  • Total output: 48.3 MW (21 turbines each 2.3 MW, plant supplier Siemens Wind Power)
  • Annual output: 176.4 GWh/a
  • Average wind speed: 9 m/s
  • Power supply line route length (total): approx. 77 km
  • Cable length sea/land: approx. 61 km/16 km
  • First energy supply: 3 April 2011

EnBW Baltic 2

EnBW Baltic II
Photo: EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG

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Wikinger Offshore

Photo: Iberdrola Renovables Deutschland GmbH| Medienbüro am Reichstag GmbH| Fabian Hoppe

In spring 2016 Iberdrola startet to build their offshore windfarm Wikinger.
This is the 3rd offshore windfarm in the German Baltic Sea. It ist located in
the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), 75 kilometres off the
German Baltic Sea coast and near Rugen Island. On an area covering
around 34 square kilometres exist 70 wind turbines (each 5 MW, Producer: Adwen)
and a substation.

  • Location: Ostsee, 75 km off the mainland, near Rugen Island
  • Size: approx. 34 km²
  • Wind turbines: 70 Adwen AD5 – 135
  • Foundation: 70 Jackets
  • Water depth: 37 – 43 m
  • Total output: 350 MW
  • Completion: November 2017

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Foto: Iberdrola Renovables Deutschland GmbH| Medienbüro am Reichstag GmbH| Fabian Hoppe
Foto: Iberdrola Renovables Deutschland GmbH| Medienbüro am Reichstag GmbH| Fabian Hoppe

The Windanker offshore wind farm project involves the construction and operation of 21 offshore wind turbines (14.7 MW each), which will be connected to the grid in 2026 with a total capacity of 308 MW. The project area will cover an area of 17.9 km² and will be located approximately 38 km northeast of the Jasmund National Park on the German island of Rügen. This Iberdrola asset is currently available for Green Corporate PPA marketing.